Friday, December 17, 2004

radio spelling bee

One of the things that has struck me as queer about Restoration England is the way words were written and pronounced. I was having a rough time making sense of it until I read that there was no standardized system of spelling and that most of the time people would spell a word as they heard it. This could vary by regional accent.

I was wanting to give my new novel more of historical undercurrent and perhaps write it as it would've been written back then. But I'm debating it. On one hand I hate where people in novel a set back in the past talk like it's 2004. On the other hand I hate when a novel is written with an accent that makes it unreadable. Then there is the spelling issue. It's not as if Microsoft Word can do a spell check on Restoration period English.

Also one of our songs got played on the radio last night, albeit at 11:30pm, albeit on the local show, albeit on college radio; but, it was still fun! Our web site got a plug which was a nice bonus.

Friday, December 03, 2004

love to all my friends and foes

My iTunes will only play one song, "Simplicity Is Beautiful" by Juliana Hatfield. Awesome, awesome tune. It makes me smile and want to write songs in Drop-D.

My sister got Rebekah and I a headphone amp for our Anniversary. That's cool!

I've got a Doctor's appointment in a hour. I'm gonna make them blind weigh, anorectic style. I can't deal with my weight right now. I'm also gonna try to talk the Doctor into writing a script for Clenbuterol so I can haul it back from Mexico.

What else?


It's going to be long work day. I might as well never leave today.

Nothing much else has been going on. Just incredibly busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.

My love to all my friends and foes.