Friday, December 17, 2004

radio spelling bee

One of the things that has struck me as queer about Restoration England is the way words were written and pronounced. I was having a rough time making sense of it until I read that there was no standardized system of spelling and that most of the time people would spell a word as they heard it. This could vary by regional accent.

I was wanting to give my new novel more of historical undercurrent and perhaps write it as it would've been written back then. But I'm debating it. On one hand I hate where people in novel a set back in the past talk like it's 2004. On the other hand I hate when a novel is written with an accent that makes it unreadable. Then there is the spelling issue. It's not as if Microsoft Word can do a spell check on Restoration period English.

Also one of our songs got played on the radio last night, albeit at 11:30pm, albeit on the local show, albeit on college radio; but, it was still fun! Our web site got a plug which was a nice bonus.

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