Today we had record attendance at the book study: 8! I know this is normal for some study groups; but, we had been averaging about 20 so it seemed sparce. We were running late for the study and I started getting paranoid that I wouldn't get a decent seat only to realise at 5 minutes till we were the first to arrive. I started to wish I hadn't come. After all, how many times can one person answer "In 1919" in one night and not get tired. Fortunately, another family arrived and their 24 year old son had blue hands-effectively making my night! He had been dying his blue jeans in the family bathtub because they had faded. Who dyes their jeans? The Blue Man Group is coming to town so I asked him if he was getting ready for the concert. Just a little bit of his body at a time.
In other boring news, we finally got our new TV cabinet up and running. My brother in law lives for wood-working and he knocked it out for us off a dimestore drawing I gave him. I was trying to compliment the window I made in the wall. I don't think it worked...
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