Tuesday, August 19, 2003


I'm a fan of independent cinema. I like some music groups that are categorized as being indie. I wasn't aware that there is this whole subculture of people that are classified as "indie". I don't get it or maybe I'm just out of touch. So "indie" is short for independent. So if a person is independent they dress in matching uniforms of bargain basement flood pants and low-top converse all-stars? And that makes sense...

Forget making sense. The part of it that I found downright repugnant is the posturing that goes along with it. Sure I enjoy Belle and Sebastian but I'm not about to take that leap wherein I feel that listening to them elevates me over my fellows. How can one determine that the more esoteric a band is the better they are? There are some people that if their favorite indie band in the world suddenly became popular they would cease to like them. (Or if they lent their music to a commercial.) It's not about the music it's about the accessibility of it.

To be fair this form of elitism spills over into other areas of life. Wine snobs. Film (celluloid) purists. Denae who only reads "Whitman".

And where am I? Balanced hopefully. Yeah, I appreciate acquired tastes. Solondz. Winterson. Chimay. However, I'm woefully in love with pop-culture. Case in point: I enjoy Avril.

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