Friday, January 16, 2004

i dunno

I've been working hard in all the wrong places lately. I don't mind working hard to the point where the day passes quickly by. I don't like working so hard that I can only go home and crash on the bed.

But that's what I've been doing. Then I have to haul myself out of comfortable bed and get dressed for the meeting. I want to sleep but I already missed the Tuesday book study so I can't bring myself to miss another meeting.

And so I go and walk around with an air of being worn that scares people away. More so than usual. Really I don't hate people so much as I hate conversation. I'd be fine if I could just stand next to someone and smile and nod and not even open my mouth. But people want chat. I have no chat to give them.

I only bounce around to the same couple of people and call it a night. I talk to Ryan about video games. Richard about movies. Brandon about when we are getting together next. Then I sit down and wait for the meeting to start.

The Bible highlights dealt with the flood which is my absolute favorite part of the Bible. The brother giving the talk goes on and on about how difficult it would've been for Noah to build the ark by hand. We always assume these ancient people were primitive - are thoughts clouded by modern day Scientific notions of stone ages, bronze ages, industrial ages. I think of it a different way. (Perhaps not a better way, but an alternate)

In just a couple generations from the time of Adam the Bible says that people were forging metal and playing music and building cities. They had a good perfect start. Their minds were still pretty sharp. Now add a thousand years of advancement BEFORE the flood and imagine what they would have accomplished. Look at how much our technology has advanced in the last 100 years! Pre-flood humanity had other things going for them as well. Long lifespans to build on their knowledge. One language to share thoughts and ideas. I guess you could even speculate that renegade angels walking around could've been adding to knowledge (certainly not in a good way).

It was just something to think about really. When I'm tired and moody and not able to focus on the meeting proper.

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