Monday, February 16, 2004


I was just reviewing my goals for last weekend.

I didn't make the spanish meatballs but I did make a chicken green chili which was decent but not wonderful.

I didn't write any on my new novel. I did do some research which was interesting. I was reading about the origins of our marriage customs and ceremonies. It's interesting to find out the origins of practices we just do out of habit. For instance, during the wedding ceremony when the father "gives away" the bride. This used to serve as legal transfer of "property", his daughter, before witnesses. The father was the owner of the daughter and he was giving this property to the new husband. Also we have the part of the ceremony where the minister asks if anyone would have a reason as to why the couple shouldn't be joined together. This was to give witnesses of the ceremony an opportunity to state whether or not the couple was a.) related and the marriage would be incestous b.) If one or the other was already married to another individual.

We tried to look for eyeglasses. The store where we had bought our current pair had moved. We went to new location that didn't have the same great selection. They just had a few odd pairs on a shelve. I wish buying eyeglasses online was feasible. I know you can do it but I don't know if it would be the smart thing to do.

I watched the Liz Phair concert on DirecTV. We used to have this brother at our hall that had really bad stage fright. When he talked it was so uncomfortable because his voice shook so bad it sounded like he was about ready to cry. Well Liz Phair sounds almost as bad. Her voice shakes but she sounds more like a lamb being strangled. She doesn't so much play her guitar as she holds onto for dear life. She did OK playing her older songs but when she tackled pop songs that the Matrix wrote she really sounded bad.

Speaking of which Rebekah and I re-arranged our pop song we are working on. It's changed now to fit in with the Matrix formula. That is: Intro, Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Chorus, Breakdown, Chorus. I got iZotope "Trash" and I looking forward to using it. I'm hoping it'll help me get a better guitar sound on my recordings. Distortion has always been problematic using Cool Edit's built in distortion effect.

The week begins anew.

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