Tuesday, May 04, 2004


When I saw those pictures of Iraq prisoners being tortured by Coalition forces I felt a natural sense of disgust and shame. I wondered how could anyone defend this kind of activity. Well this was the subject of a radio show yesterday and I was mortified as caller after caller called in to support our troops and justify this kind of gross abuse of power. The thoughts were that the military needs to do what it takes to accomplish a mission, to that this what these Iraqi people expect and that's how they should be treated. But looking at the pictures, this was not necessary business, it was fun and games. My new warehouse guy just got back from a tour in Iraq. I told him that envied him for getting to go over there and see those countries we can only read about it. He said yeah it was cool but it wasn't fun walking around fearing for your life and carrying a bullseye on your back.

Brandon came over and we worked a little bit on Mr. Tough Guy, the final song for the 6a2 album. I don't know how many Mondays it'll take to finish and refine all of these, but eventually it'll happen.

You want to know how impulsive I am? Very. I signed up to run a marathon next January. The mid-life crisis (yes, I'm only living to 50) is in full swing.

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