Sunday, July 25, 2004


It's Sunday and it took long enough but I finally got that warm, fuzzy District Convention feeling. (BTW, I'm probably going to talk at liberty about program so if you haven't been and want to be surprised skip this.) So it happened, you are sitting around and looking at everybody and you think, "Wow, this is worth it." The DC always sets the bar so high. The best polished examples are paraded about. Perhaps unattainable but even if you can't get there hopefully you improve somewhat in the effort.

It was interesting just how much focus was spent on the foreign language aspect of our ministry. Our religion has always had a multilingual thrust but now it has come home. The US is the second biggest spanish speaking group of Witnesses. So many of the new congregations being formed are spanish. Not to mention the other languages that are in our territory.

The drama was really good in that b-movie sort of way. It was corny; but, entertaining. You learn new stuff. Like when you heal somebody with holy spirit it makes the same "twinkle" sound as when Samantha from Bewitched works her magic. But nothing beat the exorcist girl. She slid onto the stage like night of the living dead and then demon voice called out like some cheesy horror flick. I nearly fell out of my seat I was so beside myself with surprise and delight. Another funny moment was when Paul pulled out a new put down that I'll have to use, "You son of a devil."

I was also happy that they slammed all this carb counting nonsense.

Saturday night we went to the see the Owls play. It was in this tiny little bar that seemed to have a lot of greaser/rockabilly types hanging about. The Owls were great. Allison sounded like Jenny Toomey. Bryan sounded like Davy Jones. All together they were a much improved version of Call and Response. Beautiful music and great friendly people. And even though we didn't wear our badge cards Rebekah did a little informal witnessing with the band. So going to see a concert on district convention weekend wasn't a total religious copout.

Today Bill and Cindy came for a makeup day and we went out to eat with them. They are just so enjoyable and really good people.

Tomorrow is . . . work.

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