Afterward I ran home at noon to go to Rebekah's grandmother's house for their annual reunion. Needless to say these are generally a waste of Saturday. But, it's important to Rebekah so I go along. Her family is not very sociable. No one talks to each other. It's basically just sit around and drink beer, eat dinner, sit around and drink, build a bonfire, sit around and drink beer.

They rolled out the Sponge Bob pinata which I allowed Mina to beat with a clean conscience after reading that new Awake article. Rebekah's Mom butchered the cartoon characters name and kept calling him "Sponge Job".

I relax with beer #2 on the hammock.

This is Rebekah's cousin Tony with his two kids and his friend Krista.

Mina's feet at the end of the day.
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