Monday, August 22, 2005

Wrapped Up In Books

So I've decided to return to using Blogger. An e-friend Eric did it so why shouldn't I? Especially since my e-friend Eric is pretty hip and worthy of imitation in these sort of things. So here it is two minutes in and I'm remembering why I hated blogging with Blogger: Trying to think up titles for these entries.

Wrapped Up In Books

I chose that title for two reasons. 1.) It is the title of a fun Belle & Sebastian song. 2.) Reading books is my center these days and I just happened to have finished the B&S biography "Just A Modern Rock Story"

I read it Wednesday-night/Thursday-morning and finished at about 3:00am. There was just enough time to clock in three meager hours of sleep before rolling right out of bed and into the work very tired. A diversion. If you enjoy Belle & Sebastian and are interested in how the music came about then this book is for you. If you could care less about "twee" Scottish bands then probably this wouldn't hold your interest. But as they say on Reading Rainbow - "You don't have to take my word for it!"

If you came to my house, and really you should sometime, you would see this. On second thought you probably wouldn't see this because I would tidy up a bit. So let's rephrase this. If you sneaked into my house slyly you would see this. An open Bible in every room. Insight books by my bed side. Notebooks strewn about. Other Bible-study publications peppered here and there. And I say these things not to put myself up as some pinnacle of pretense and piety but just to let you know that I definately feel wrapped up in books. Honsetly, there is no Tylenol PM quite as effective as a late-night sedative as Insight on the Scriptures, vol 1. (I'm heretofore reserving judgment on Volume 2.)

Everybody has a blog it seems. I've probably never mentioned her before but my one time favorite musicians Kristin Hersh now has a blog. It is kind of funny in how domestic it is. I say that so very lovingly.

Yesterday we went over to an older couple's house after the meeting. I made it goal a couple of months ago to try to take care of widows and orphans more. I had no idea of how to go about that mission. So it is in life these days, all the motivation in the world but no idea how to go about it. Anyhow we were sitting and I was enjoying the association of a couple of older sisters and I had the sudden realisation that despite myself my goal was being fulfilled. So I guess so long as one sincerely desires to reach out that Jehovah will make it happen. Really if I could just quit thinking and have Him grab me by the neck and steer me around I would be quite, quite happy. But alas I have this free will thing to fight with. (That is a bit of joke. I appreciate the gift of free will.)

Finally, last night I went out to get a snickers, a bag of cool-ranch doritos, and an order of nachos. The sky was very twilight, a nice blue-black. I was playing Sugar Plant and it felt very, very good.

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