Monday, April 26, 2004

rubbed raw

Yesterday I got the bright idea that I would try to clean my face. I mean CLEAN my face - - not just splash water on it and call it a day as per my normal morning ritual. I grabbed something that said Neutrogena Scrub out of the bathroom and set to work. However, the product in question was a body wash not a face cleanser and it although it said "scrub" it did not mean "scrub." But I didn't read it closely. No I charged head first into the wash basin and begin giving my face a real work out. The after effect was a kin to sandpaper on my nose. I'm sporting a mighty scab on it this morning. Just call me Lady Elaine Fairchild.

So I've been down ---> Y'know, life is constant peaks and valleys. Used to be the valleys were more numerous than the peaks but my situation improved and it was all up and up and up and up and skyward bound. But now I bottomed out. I know I have. I'm sad for no reason. No reason at all. Or am I?

Truth be told the band was the only thing keeping me moving. It gave me something to shoot for, look forward to, feel proud of. It was inevitable, Brandon's sister moved back into town and they are going to be doing their own thing again. I really can't fault him. If my sister moved back I would drop 6a2 in a heart-beat. But he dumped me. We're still going to finish the album, but he's coming over to load up his half of the equipment and that's, well, that's that. So if you missed our show. You missed out. Ha. I'll be like the divorcee looking around at my half-empty studio and wondering what went wrong. Yes, half-empty, not half-full.

But the truth is -- well the simple truth is -- well the fact of the matter is, I can't exist unless I'm creating. My happiness is linked with my creativity and unless I 'm moving on with something than I'm down and out and down for the count. Maybe that is why my Dial years were so bad. I wasn't doing anything but playing robot in a warehouse. I wasn't making anything but money and money can't buy happiness.



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