Friday, April 30, 2004

Marathon Training

ow To Win Friends and Influence People round one.

After a week of reading bits and pieces of this book I went to the meeting ready to spring into action and put my new found skills to work. Would you believe that it actually worked? Incredible.

I approached a brother and said, "You know I hear that you've run marathons. That's really impressive. Someday I hope that I'll be able to do something like that."

Brother, "Wow! Let's start training this Saturday!"

So this Saturday I'm running with him, not that I want to, not that I look forward to it, but I kind of started this whole thing and I have to see it through. I fully understand that it means putting myself out a bit. And I'm prepared for that.

I fully intend to start showing love to people, witnesses and others. I fully intend to start being charitable and kind.

My objective in all this is not to wield influence over people. No, it's to be a Christian. Because I need to me. Because it's the best way of life.

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