Friday, September 24, 2004

lethargic antihistimene haze

It's Friday morning and I'm so incredibly doped out of my mind. Yesterday my allergies or something hit me incredibly hard and now I'm in a lethargic antihistimene haze. Rebekah gave me a Claritan and that helped quite a bit, but in the meantime I'm just shaky and out of it. My sleep last night was in and out and off-time.

On the verge of passing out from exhaustian Rebekah and I finished our new song "Sarah S". The problem with new songs is that I'm incredibly fickle and inevitably I'll start loving the new song and hating the others. (Hate in the biblical sense of loving less.) Anyhow "Sarah S." was such a fun song to write. We kept coming up with really great lyrics that we had to dump in the process of keeping it clean. It's good and it's about a girl we knew who always had a guy on each arm and one in reserve.

I'm taking a half-day off and we are heading up to Minnesota, stopping over at Madison, WI tonight to see Amanda and rest at the half-way point.

Tomorrow we are playing October Ridge and I am really happy about that.

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