Monday, September 13, 2004

Running Shorts

I just found out that there was no room in the half-marathon so Rebekah's father signed up for the full marathon. There are two bad scenarios that could happen: A.) He dies because he hasn't conditioned himself and rushed the training. B.) He finishes and steals my thunder. This kind of makes me angry. I've been working on this for most of 2004 and here he comes in at the zero hour and claims he is going to do it to. A half-marathon was a stretch but reasonable. A full marathon is suicide.

I should be working instead of writing this, I have so much to do. But it is Monday and the zeal just isn't there.

Also over the weekend we took Mina to get a hair cut at SuperCuts in the mall. I wandered in and sat down reading a dated issue of CosmoGirl while I waited. This large beautician ambles over to me and says, "Sir, are you waiting for a hair cut? I can take you now." I replied, "No." She looked at my mop-top and says, "Are you sure?". I really need to get my hair cut but I feel like it'll rob me of my power much like Samson. I dunno. I'm at the breaking point where I'll either stick it out or cave in.

I also finally got my running underwear which I bought a size too small. I wanted to take them back but once you try them on you're stuck with them. But I wasn't gonna let the money go to waste so I wore them anyway for my run this morning. I'll let you write your own punchline as to the obvious results.

Rebekah and I are playing music together in the off-chance I can get Paro to give us a small slot at October Ridge. If anyone knows him please put in a good word. Not so much because you want to hear our unique brand of indie-pop but because you want us to stay together as a couple by making and playing music together.

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