Sunday, September 26, 2004

A Good Day

It's 11:30 p.m., Sunday, September 26th. I'm going to type a little before going to bed and I'll finish this up Monday or maybe Tuesday. I need to get this right.

It would almost be wrong not to consider this weekend one of the best of my entire life - and without a doubt THE best since I have been married. For the longest time it I figured there came a point with your teenage years behind where the party had to eventually stop. It least it did around here. Everybody got married, got jobs, got mortagages, got dull, got boring, got old and completely cynical. But it doesn't have to be that way. Indeed it appears that at least in some parts the party is still going on.

At some point during our long drive back home Rebekah says to me, "This may seem stupid but there were times Saturday when I felt like I was sixteen again." But it's not stupid, because I felt the exact same way. At least for a day we had that same energy and excitement that only a group of friends who aren't afraid to love and support one another can provide. It was such an incredible high.

And I would be a totally rotten person if I don't manage to grasp at least a small part of that and bring it back home. "You don't know love, unless you show love." Love is really the key isn't it? It's the sign of a true Christian yet I don't see too often where I'm from. It's almost as if we have all resigned ourselves that that we will die for our brothers, yes if it got to that ultimate sacrafice, we would most assuredly show love for them . . . then and only then. It's a painful assessment.

But why wait until that off event happens? Isn't it easier to give someone a big hug? Isn't it easier to applaud hard and compliment and let someone know you appreciate them? At least that is my resolve. Yeah I'm in danger of looking like an absolute nutjob as I go around showing love to everybody. But I don't care. Too often I just mope around complaining about the area I'm living in and not doing a single thing to make it a better place.

"If everybody tried to brighten other people's eyes then they'd always surely shine."

So let me talk about the music at October Ridge . . . How absolutely incredible! Listening to all of it you just have to smile knowing that you won't be spending an eternity listening to King David plucking away on a harp. Everybody was brilliant and great big shining stars.

Rebekah and I played the songs we have been playing in the basement for a year (and in some cases longer). I was so nervous I played like gash, I conceed that point. Rebekah however was so spot on. Even songs that she has struggled through in the past she did perfect -- better than ever. After we did our thing everybody was so supportative of it and seemed like they really dug it. I'm happy about it and really encouraged to keep it up.

But in honesty we were the lesser of the talent there. I have to give special attention to Daytrip. On a music level they were so perfect. The sounds that they were producing were superhuman. If I could spend a day driving through an empty desert with Daytrip as my sound track I would be very happy.

Now I'm gonna gush about Pop Riveter and how they just may my favorite band at present (This decision is made easier since Throwing Muses are defunct.) I have never felt that much energy at a show in my entire life. It was just geniune j-o-y! Very few people can write happy songs without resorting to cliché. Pop Riveter may be one of the few. Pure bliss that was.

Yeah and I finally got to meet Hiromi and his wife Robbie. For two years I've been reading Hiromi's website since my wife found it in some random google search or something. It was so great getting to spend a little (too little) time with them Saturday morning. Last year we stayed with Reed and Janna. We had the opportunity to stay with them again but I inconvienced H and his wife for purely selfish motives to have the privalege of knowing them better. How incredible the hospitality they showed and what awesome people they are! I can't thank them enough for the bed and for the breakfast and for my first latte and for the conversation and for my awesome drawing of Dagon. Cheer.

I owe very deep thanks to many of my Northern Brothers and Sisters. In addition to assemblies and conventions I need to add a yearly visit to the cities to affirm my faith.

Oh yes it was a good day.

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