Sunday, October 02, 2005


On Saturday Trey, Mike, and Seth came over. Their band Random-X is playing at a gathering today and wanted to record a quick CD to pass out. So we hammered out three songs. If we had more time we could've polished them up a bit however I like what they came up with. I'm pretty impressed by them considering they are all under 16 years of age. So please check out their myspace page and listen to the songs they have up. Trey wrote and sings on "So Long" and Mike wrote and sings on "Rewind" - both are gems. Good stuff.


I tried to buy the Concretes CD at Target. I guess I assumed they would have it since the Concretes are all over their TV commercials - but I wrong. I just downloaded it from iTunes. I like it and it reminds me of Mazzy Star a bit. However it makes me miss my organ.


We took my organ sale money and bought me a new suit. Somehow it doesn't seem like a very good trade off.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Thank you for your comment.

As you are probably aware I'm constantly rewriting my entries. Mostly I'm correcting my poor grammer or bad spelling. However sometimes I read something and I don't like how it sounds. That was the case of my October 10th entry so I reworded to make it "gentler".

By way of clarification I was describing my personal experience with what the Apostle Paul describes in Romans 8:15,16

