Friday, September 30, 2005


Well ... here's to turning over a new leaf in life.
After years upon years of soda drinking with no adverse health effects (that I know of) caffeine now makes me dizzy and sick. So I guess I'm going to have to make some changes and go back to water or something.
No tea.
No coffee.
No soda.
I can barely comprehend that.
(I posted the lyrics to "Caffeine" by Kristin Hersh as they seem fitting. today.)

I'm wearing long sleeves and the air has a chill to it. They are saying it is going to be a bad winter which is pretty convenient if you are an energy executive seeing as how natural gas is 100% up. For the rest of us this bad news. Mina came up with a nice idea - we will just buy some blankets.

Look out for October.

Hug your loved ones.


The best of us puking
The rest of us not doing so well
You can tell by the way we look over your shoulder
Watching for the next big thing
Caffeine in the blood, caffeine on the brain, bad well water
Set off a chain reaction, a desparate set of principles
I wish we were lonely
I wish we were boring
It's so much easier
You're driving and I am your backseat shadow
The radio keeps playing
The radio keeps saying Nothing lost and nothing gained
But if you don't like it then leave
What if you won't take it from me?
I can soothe you
I feel your heart beating
I hear your soft breathing

-caffeine Kristin Hersh

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