Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Great Sea Monsters

Genesis 1:21 "And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters ... And God got to see that [it was] good."

I have always been fascinated by the so-called great sea monsters. When I was little I used to get these cards that had pictures of animals on one side and a little factoid about them on the reverse. My favorite was the narwhal! At the time it was so elusive that instead of a photograph there was only a painting.

Today I was happy to read the news article Giant Squid Photographed for First Time. A team of Japanese scientists are the first to capture a picture of a live giant squid - a creature so elusive that we only knew of its existence when bodies or pieces of bodies washed up on shore. It is rumoured that once upon a time these animals would attack sailing ships. Presumably today they are scared away by the sounds of motors and we no longer have these threats.

The 41st chapter of Job describes a mighty sea creature called Leviathan which is described by God as "king over all majestic beasts". Some Bible commentators have suggested that Leviathan is a crocodile. To which we can only ask when has a crocodile ever breathed fire? (vs 18-21) I'm still waiting to catch of glimpse of this great sea monster - albeit at a safe distance in a fire proof suit!

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