Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Keep On The Watch

I've been incredibly sad about the New Orleans situation.
Sad is maybe an understatement.
And those words don't seem to describe how I truly feel about the matter.

There is a lot to say about these things ... about what is going on.
But what can you say?

Please realise the value of having some provisions set-aside in your home in view of the times.

FEMA Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Above all else recognize that when the tribulation as spoken of by Jesus (Matthew 24:9,21) hits no amount of disaster preperation will be able to save us. Things will be so bad that the only salvation would be through Jehovah and at the hand of our savior Jesus.

So a key to preparation is reading the Bible, praying, drawing close to Jehovah right now. Examine your life and honestly see if something is standing in the way of your relationship with your heavenly Father. If you find something blocking your path don't hesitate to get rid of it. (Matthew 18:8,9)

I firmly believe that the tribulation is coming quickly. Can you look out and the world and see that is no longer slowly advancing from bad to worse but it is a near free-fall toward collapse and breakdown?

Keep on the watch. Keep your oil supply going strong.

Be ready for anything.

Trust in Jehovah no matter what!