Thursday, January 12, 2006

Some Changes

I finally got around to moving away from a standard Blogger template to something a little more original. So this is my blog with a fresh new look. I added a new section with some of my artwork. They are mostly vector drawings of varying qualities. Please don't expect too much. I also updated my links list with some additonal web sites of varying values. Lastly, I changed my profile picture to possibly one of my favorite pictures of me and Mina. Enjoy.

My life right now is a whole lot of eating spinach it seems. Rebekah and I are doing the South Beach diet. It appears to be doing well - maybe not as effective as not eating or pills but certainly more healthy. The good news is that my sugar cravings seem to be null and void. I haven't touched soda, candy, cookies, or donuts in over a week which is new personal best. I'm still hankering for sausage & egg biscuits from Hardee's. It's a diet not a miracle.

Our iMac of 6-years seems to be on its death knell. The screen has been going dim, streaking, and wobbly for few months. Now it is shutting off completing while the power button rapidly changes color - green, yellow, red. I guess it is time for a trade-up. The new Intel Core Duo iMacs have just been released so I guess I know where my tax refund is going this year.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Oh my goodness! A comment! I'm so blessed! I wish I was allergic to donuts - that would make things so much easier. Thanks luv.