Saturday, February 14, 2004


Today, to my surprise, we both were up for field service and made it to the Johns' house with seconds (3 to 4) to spare. I guess it helps that they are just a couple blocks away. When it came time to make groups Rebekah said how she didn't want to work with me to which I responded that it was fine thing to do your husband on Valentine's day.

So we did the service thing and then came home and I did the nap thing and then I went solo grocery shopping armed with latest issue of Bon Apetit.

I'm making some sort of chili that uses a whole pound of problano chilis. It also calls for tomatillos. I started filling a bag with the veggies and this old eastern European woman comes over and starts asking how you prepare tomatillos. (I ask again, do I seem approachable?) I had to shrug and claim ignorance. I told her that it was my first-time and I'm just going to husk, chop, and drop them in the chili like the recipe calls for. She eyed me suspiciously and then wished me luck.

The weather is still crummy. Our driveway is a sheet of ice and I ended up sliding under the car the other day. It took me a good couple of minutes to finally get back up as I get slipping. Of course I had to look around and see if anyone saw me humiliate myself.

I hate the cold. The one thing that keeps me from moving North is the winter.

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