Monday, March 22, 2004

Mr. Toughguy

Spinning . . . This weekend was a waste . . . a wash . . . My "blah" attitude from the previous week carried over into the weekend. Bummer.

Saturday I fought to redo the toilet in our house. It started leaking again. I cursed and I kicked and I bought wax rings and then tried some fancy gadget until eventually it dindn't leak. So the bathroom is safe. But for how long?

I did have enough time to go over to The Red Spoon coffee house in Alton, IL to see my cousin's band, Yorktown Heroes play a set. I've been meaning to get over and see them for a while. The music wasn't might cup of tea but they were spirited and listenable. The highlight of the night was a girl in an 80's prom-dress that was bore an uncanny resemblance to Molly Ringwald.

Sunday Brandon came over after the meeting. He's been sitting on what he feels is a hit song. I finally told him to come over so that we could figure it out because we need all the good songs we can get for the live show. It's call Mr. Toughguy and the chorus is, "Go . . . Mr. . . . Tough . . . Guy!". It looks ridiculous on paper but on tape it's pretty good.

We're scheduled for a radio show this Wednesday from 12:00am to 2:00am. I really want to do it because I know it'll help get people to come to the show but there is a huge sleep issue.

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