Friday, August 06, 2004

Let God be found true

When the Internet was first taking off I thought it was awesome how instantly you had all this information immediately accessible on any subject. I loved the Web and still do. I would glady give up TV before I would disconnect my cable modem.

But lately I've really been wondering about all this information and how it really blurs the line of truth. So you research a subject you'll be confronted with several contrary sources of information. Each one seemingly valid. Each one sincere.

You are forced to pick a belief and at the same time you can never be fully confident in it. On the Internet even readily established "facts" cannot stand up.

As long as you are "open-minded" you can never believe that there is such thing as truth. Everything is a leap of faith.

The easiest route is go with the flow of majority opinion. Perhaps the best is to be adamantly ignorant.

I expect that everything we know is riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods. History. Science. Religion. Medicine. Government.

Can we take any of it at face value?

The only thing I believe these days is the Bible. If I'm going to put forth a leap of faith in something I might as well go for the one with the biggest payoff.

"Let God be found true, though EVERY man be found a liar"

Be prepared to one day wake up and discover that you've been wrong.

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