Monday, August 09, 2004

Marvy ... Absolutely Marvy

Rebekah and I went record shopping. Specifically she went and I tagged along. She was really jazzed about this place because she is into old records and it is absolutely massive. I think it used to be a library that was gutted and lined with record shelves stacked on top of record shelves.

So I nosed around and found some cheap ($1.00) copies of all the Carpenter's albums because they have some absolutely wonderful songs and I'm too cheap to buy a greatest hits CD for twenty-bucks. (I'm really hoping to catch that 70's AM radio feel someday.)

I also dug out Nancy Sinatra's "How Does That Grab You?" because of the song "Bang Bang" that I'm in love with. It was a wee bit pricey ($8.00) but that is a awesome song and the album cover is the best ever. Also the text on the back reads like a Japanese person with a penchant for 60's slang:

How does that grab you? Asks Nancy. It grabs us good, says all the people. Lovey tunes and marvy melodies, all them gravid with meaning. All of them sung by the niceness of Nancy. All of them like to mess your head forevermore.

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