Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Schools Out

So I've been thinking of politics lately. I don't know if in the past I just wasn't aware of it as much but it seems to be ever present this time around. I can't listen to radio or watch TV without being urged to vote. I can't even walk the street without having voter registration clipboards thrust at me.

I was reading about a religious conference that was held where the interfaith attendees weighed heavily on the question, "Who would Jesus vote for?". The decision was a split one. "He would either vote Democratic or Rebulican" the shrewd counsel surmised. Afterall Jesus loved the poor and afflicted so he would vote Democratic. At the same time Jesus had high morals so he would vote Republican. I wonder if the notion that Jesus would have exercised his right not to vote ever came up . . . at all . . . maybe . . . just one dissenting voice . . . anyone?

Everything I know about politics has come recently from a children's book on U.S. Presidents that we bought for Mina. For some reason she has really been interested in George Washington, FDR, and George "The Dad" Bush. I particularly enjoyed reading about the development of the U.S.'s two party system. In the beginning the founders of the U.S.A. were against the idea of political parties reasoning that individual difference of opinion would keep everybody in check. Advocates of parties eventually won out and party lines were drawn on the heated subject of slavery. Republicans were against slavery and Democrats were either for it or apathetic toward it.

Schools out.

I ran last night at 8:00 pm. The late night run is unusual as I usually try to do it at the crack of dawn. (I overslept from sweet joy of work hassels fading away.) My running seems to have inpsired my father-in-law to give it a shot. He wants to attempt a half-marathon. That's fine. But now my mother-in-law is starting too. It's enough to make me want to totally give up. She has a ton of made up ailments which running will surely highten. She'll be laid up for weeks and we'll all have to suffer through her war stories. She's such a killjoy.

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