Monday, July 12, 2004

Log Rolling

I have a new hero, Darren Hudson from Nova Scotia. I watched him kick, spin, and balance his way to the silver medal in the ESPN Great Outdoor Games log rolling competition this weekend. Darren won me over because he was just so hyped up on log-rolling, "this is the most perfect sport ever" he proclaimed without any hint of irony. He comes from a long line of log rollers and believes that his family "indwells [sic] within him the spirit of the game". When he wasn't rolling or talking he was bouncing around on the platform, somewhere between ADD and strung out on cocaine. If log-rolling ever becomes a huge sport, Darren will be the first to land a Nike contract.

The ESPN GO games was an iteresting Sunday diversion while we were up in Madison, WI. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and almost as much as my Chipoltle burrito. While I share no dream that I'll ever see lumberjack sports in the St. Louis, I still have my fingers crossed that a Chipoltle francise will move in.

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