Friday, July 09, 2004


The paper cut on my pinky is killing me and this week is dragging on. Nothing like a coming off of a three-day weekend and struggling with the shortened work week. But I just ordered a pair of shoes so I'm perfectly positive Rebekah will be kicking my butt when I get I home -- hard. I was just simply inspired by a gift my sister got me (and there is nothing like throwing away money to raise one's spirits for at least an hour or two.) We are going to Madison, WI this weekend to eat cheese curds and watch lumberjacks toss logs and maybe (hopefully) drink some margaritas. My Friday ritual is fajitas and a margarita so big I could drown in it. My new hair got me some pretty cross looks at the Hall last night. It's still at the awkward growing out phase until I can get it cut right and proper. I really don't know what I want to do with up but I'm can say that I'm so unbelievably done with the late 90's "Friends" look but I'm not quite sold on the unkempt indie look. And I've been spending quality time with my daughter. We have this new game called "hooding" where she tries to suffocate me by draping a blanket on my head and sitting it while I try to watch TV. I'm raising a killer.

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