Friday, May 07, 2004


You say extemporaneous speaking; I say winging it. Yes I was definately, "winging it" during my number 4 talk last night.

The ministry school conductor gave me a loaded gun and then told me not to fire it. More to the point I was given the theme, "Where did the various races come from?" and only a five minute time period to explain it and source material to stick to.

I've researched this subject to death as my personal Bible study begins with Genesis 1 and ends with Genesis 7. It was right up my alley. But I still learned some interesting things.

The idea of "race" is a racist concept if there ever was one and I'll be doing my part to abandon it's use. Science is proving that the idea is meaningless. The genetic difference between you and any other person in the world is around .2%. The difference between two white guys is .2%. The difference between a white guy and a black guy is .2%. Of that difference the part that we consider race, skin-color and eye shape only makes up .012%. For all intents and purposes there is no difference.

Yet we are indoctrinated with the idea that there are different races. It just creates an "us against them" attitude that continues to reer it's ugly head.

So if the Bible says that we just one race descended from Adam and Eve through Noah's sons and science says that we are one race descended from a common ancestor pair, why are we still clinging to the idea of "races"? If the term is meaningless, why continue to use it?

Going up on the stage I had a lot of thoughts, no notes, and a couple of scriptures jotted down. I proceeded to "wing-it" and listened for the sound of the airplane headed for the ground.

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