Sunday, July 27, 2003

The JW Carrot Top & B-List

It was my turn to get the donuts for the office. Thus I confronted the ultimate diet challenge Krispy Kreme! So I drove over there at 7:00am in the morning and they were out of glazed donuts. How can Krispy Kreme not have glazed donuts? A female customer in line in front of me dared to ask that question to which the clerk replied "Whachoo mean 'how can you not have glazed donuts?' Bitch." I hate confrontation so I just got a classic assortment and turned tail and ran before the fists started flying.

Willpower. I managed to watch the dozen dwindle without even eating a sprinkle. I held off until dinner again. A worker gave me some garden tomatoes which I turned into a really good marinara sauce and made some spaghetti.

There's an elder in the hall I jokingly refer to as "The Witness Carrot Top" because of his prediliction for peppering his talks with props. He's not really a gifted speaker but he puts so much effort into these half
baked prop ideas that I have to give him credit. One time he drug up to the stage the motherboard out of a computer, a sand bucket, and roofing hatchet and was talking about building a rocketship or something. Classic. He hadn't did it in a while but tonight he returned to his true form when he brought a baseball bat up to the stage and was swinging it talking about the speech-counsel point of naturalness. Because when you swing a baseball bat you can't over-analyse your form, you have to be a natural. Then he started talking about Robert Redford in the movie "The Natural".

I enjoyed the bit in the KM about how it's sometimes good not to make plans for service. It's a real problem in our hall. People make plans for the sole purpose of not getting "stuck" with some of the more unpopular Brothers and Sisters. Inveriably I always end up working with them. I don't really mind working in service with them but I would like variety. It's no fun to always have to work in the same car group because everyone else has made plans. And on the flipside I'm sure they are sick of always working with me. All I can say is it's no fun being part of the B-list publishers.


Green Tea, Coffee, Water (0 cals)
Pepsi 12 oz (120 cal)
Orange Juice 16 oz (110 cal)
Spaghetti and Marinara Sauce (about 350)

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