Sunday, July 20, 2003

Mostly Minus

I have been playing music with some of the brothers in my area in a rock band called "Mostly Minus" (formerly "Phista Fury", formerly "Violet Brews"). Basically, it's straight forward rock that is being (over)played on most alternative/modern-rock radio stations across country. You know the kind: power-chords, guitar solos, and more testosterone than a high-school football player. Basically, the kind of music that I hate. Well the band has a hard time playing together due to a drummer with little free time (is there any other kind?) so me and the bass player have been using the downtime to embark on something new, different, less by-the-books, quirky. For the first time I am actually having fun making music, good or bad.

Because you didn't ask for it but since I'm a sucker for self-promotion our first track is available. Here's Athens Circa '99 presented as a very rough 4-track analog demo--warts and all. (Link removed - 10/07)

We were talking tonight about how desperately we need a girl singer. Our Kingdom Hall is crawling with girls but I don't know any of them well enough to know if they can or will sing on our stupid little tapes. I'm really thinking about just getting a vocal fx unit with enough pitch shift to make me sing like I just got kicked in the...

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