Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Keyboard Failure

We killed our second Mac keyboard last night. Unfortunately there is not a "no food or drink by the keyboard" rule that I can make that Mina can't break. Our caps lock key has been on the blink (literally) for a few months but Rebekah drove the nail into the coffin.

She has been harping on me for my soda drinking for the last couple of weeks. Yesterday I'm sitting at the computer enjoying a Pepsi when she grabs my head and begins pouring the Pepsi down my throat. "Ha ha! You like soda? Well drink up! drink up!" Eventually I reach the point where I'm having trouble swallowing it all and my mouth can't hold anymore and erupts in a shower of sticky sugar water and saliva. My keyboard got drenched.

We tried to save it, even going so far as to pop off all the keys and clean everything, but to no avail. When I tried to plug the keyboard back into the USB port it sparked and shut off the computer. I was relieved when I was able to turn the computer back on but the keyboard was dead. Rebekah had to go out and buy an emergency butt ugly Logitech keyboard at Wal-Mart so I could answer my e-mail.

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