Sunday, August 31, 2003

Autumn. Long leaves of bright undress.

It feels like Fall no matter what the calendar says. I love this time of the year. I like that slightly cool edge to the air and wearing jackets and going to bed with the window open creating a nice little chill. Sam Adam's has their Octoberfest seasonal out right now which is also really good.

This time of the year also finds me at my most creative for some reason. I've really been too lax on my book and need to renew my efforts to finish it. Over the past couple of weeks I've just been writing a paragraph here and there when I'm inspired or think of something cool to put in. I've already wrote the ending. Write now I'm just trying to fill in the little pieces that get me there.

Mostly Minus has been shut down by the law again. We won't be playing at the Park next Sunday because we are not "nice, quiet jazz band". After our brush with the police the last time we played out we thought we should check before hand this time altough since the park is really isolated we didn't think there would be a problem. I've said it before I know but playing out is the only redeeming thing about being in the band and so far it hasn't really happened. It's my turn to write the next 6a2 song. Rebekah's helped me out quite a bit. I'm calling it ATMOS 206 right now. It's shaping up to be really cool and fun.

Our local grocery store just got really ethnic. They have a nearly a whole half-isle for Mexican foods. We are starting to find a lot of Mexicans in our territory so I guess that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the new large section of Asian foods. They've always had the token Chinese items but they added Thai food and most surprisingly Japanese. I can't even imagine the white trash in our area attempting sushi! I picked up a couple packets of Udon--basically a much better ramen noodle soup.

There's more going on but I'll save it for another journal entry....later today BOCCE!

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