Friday, January 23, 2004


I got the new Belle & Sebastian DVD "For Fans Only". Part music video, part documentary, part live performance it served to solidify my appreciation for this group. You watch a band like that and you really want to go and make music.

It also makes you want to be more "indie". But how? I'm starting by rocking the hardcover "green" New World Translation. I'm gonna take it step further and get one that has an old lady's name embossed on the cover. Ethel? Beatrice? Flora?

I'm really sick of seeing the stupid Atkin's diet everywhere I look. It's so dumb seeing these fast food restaraunts tripping over themselves to get a piece of the action. How much of a joke is a stinking hamburger wrapped in big lettuce leaf? These fads diets need to die. They always do but this one is really going strong. The orange juice grower's of America are threatening to sue South Beach and Atkins because they encourage participants not to drink juice. Avoid fruit? That's sound health advice.

My boss has his own diet which is intriguing. He has lost a ton of weight. The gimmick? You eat one meal a day (in the afternoon) and drink (alcohol) heavily at night. What can I say? It works but his near-daily hangover isn't very pleasent to deal with.

I was also listening to the radio yesterday about a guy who stabbed his mother. She was one of Jehovah's Witnesses so in the emergency room she refused a blood transfusion. She ended up dying. The radio talk show host was asking the listeners wether or not the guy should be charged with homicide. The theory being the lady died because she chose not to take blood.

The whole thing reaked and I had to turn it off because it was just pissing me off. Every person and their mother was calling up with these b.s. notions about what "Jehovahs" believe. Stupid ideas like they don't believe in the New Testament to they don't believe in medical treatment. From the get go the program had a bias slant. The truth of the matter is this: THE LADY DIED BECAUSE SHE GOT STABBED NOT BECAUSE SHE REFUSED A BLOOD TRANSFUSION!

Blood transfusions are bad medicine. We have a hospital in St. Louis with an entire wing dedicated to bloodless surgery. Not just for Jehovah's Witnesses but because the doctors believe in it for all patients. I guess some people are gradually getting the point but others are still stuck in this turn of the century way of thinking.

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