Monday, January 05, 2004

getting fixed

I spent part of the weekend fixing things. I bought a pipe snake and tore into a nasty clog that was causing our kitchen sink to back up into our tub. (It's really gross to go to take a shower and find yourself staring at the reminents of last weeks tacos.)

The real achievement was fixing the faulting vibrato on my combo-organ. I soldered on some new capacitors on the circuit board. Once I tackle the tone decay it should be running like a dream.

We went to the zoo Saturday at Mina's prompting. The zoo during the winter is great. You've got the place to yourself. The animals appear more at ease. The only bad spot was the broken hot cocoa machine - it would've made for a better day.

I'm looking forward to this week. My sister is coming up for a visit and I'm gonna try to cram in some quality recording time. Rebekah and I have been writing songs using the drum machine but we sorely need a real drummer for these tracks. I'm dying to get these songs laid down.

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