Sunday, October 12, 2003

And Now For The Punchline ...

A Now For The Punchline...

Come to find out I was just full of crap! Who knew? My CT scan didn't show anything remarkable save for an intestinal track packed fuller than a Tokyo rush-hour train. The pain in my side was just muscle strain from trying to get it moving. A viscious circle. 12 hours on the stool and enough laxatives to unclog an elephant and I'm a new man. I literally could see my bloated belly reducing in size before my eyes.


I saw a violent movie last night because I heard it was good. Now I don't believe that I'm any lofty standard when it comes to entertainment. If there ever was a weak spot it would be that. However, I just don't enjoy violence for the sake of violence. This film was simply about violence and the story was just an excuse to go from one violent episode to the next. It glorified it. As a rule I will not see any movie that has a gun displayed on the theatre poster (the exception is Star Wars of course, lasers being different than bullets). But I saw this movie because the poster only had a sword and Crouching Tiger was super cool. It left a bad taste in my mouth but the soundtrack sure was awesome!

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