Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Plague & Fire, Reading & Writing

Last night I went to the library in hopes of grabbing the last available copy of Michael Moore's new book, Dude, Where's My Country?. It was onhold when I arrived so I grabbed some books off the shelf that will be needed as I research for my next novel.

The beginning of my next novel is to be set in London during the 1660's. (Since I will be ripping off Chaucer, Dickens, and the life of Joseph Merrick in this novel it seemed appropriate have the story in England, and centered on London.) So I started reading about the plague and the london fire that swept through the region. It is really fascinating reading and I've already began to get great ideas about where my characters will fit into this world.

Rebekah has finished reading my first novel and I drained an inkpen on my grammatical mistakes. More importantly she has provided insight as to where my timing might have been vague or innacurate or where certain events and motivations may not be so clear. I knew she would hate the end of the novel because it is purposely obscure to allow for the sequel if I would ever choose to write it.

From what I gather, she hates the story and questions whether or not it would have any chance of being published. However, she does believe that it is well written and interesting. Those are all my feelings exactly.

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